Monday, June 26, 2017

monday musings

i've been trying to get projects lined up that i am excited about...the problem is- there are so many :) so, i thought i would get creative with my current yarn stash and make some room for some new skeins... (just don't tell my husband)....i want to make some new patterns and designs with throws but i also want to add pillows as accessories- i've made a few over the years and it's a bit tricky but kind of fun too...if there's a stitch i like the look of but don't particularly enjoy enough for a full throw- i make a smaller

i also want to make some smaller items like holiday ornaments and stockings...and maybe other types of decor....i really love the whole season- from thanksgiving i'd like to try my hand at some shaped projects like pumpkins or small filet that will work on round ornaments as covers...maybe some bells...i've never starched a project either so i would like to try that technique to shape some ornaments...

while the rainy weather thus far has kept me from has given me the time to plan, plan,, i just have to pace myself or i won't have room in my craft room to sit and actually crochet ;) so much little time ;)

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